My Favorite Quotes
"Where there is an absence of story, or perhaps a bad story, a good storyteller walks in and changes reality. He doesn't critique the existing story, or lament about his boredom, like a critic. He just tells something different and invites other people into the new story he is telling." ~ Donald Miller
"God is not preparing the Blessing for YOU, He is preparing YOU for the blessing."
~ T.D. Jakes
"May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears."
~ Nelson Mandela
"We are what we repeatedly do."
~ Aristotle
"Don't focus on the adversity; focus on God. No matter what you go through, stay in faith, be your best each day and trust that God will use it to position you for greatness."
~ Joel Osteen
"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."
~ Martin Luther King